LONDON ~ Sacred Geometry weekend
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Adam Williamson
Draw and build using the timeless formulas found in natural and traditions throughout the world and across time.
All materials are provided ~ No skills required
Join us in the London studios for a day of drawing a building geometry!
Draw and build using the timeless formulas found in natural and traditions throughout the world and across time.
All materials are provided ~ No skills required
Geometry occurs in the art and crafts of cultures throughout human history, directly inspired by the rhythms and structures of life itself, it's principles are beyond time and place. Using the traditional tools of compass and straight edge we will re-create beautiful patterns from around the world.
In this workshop participants will investigate symmetry and tessellation. These universal principles govern growth and structure and are found in both crystalline and botanical nature.
We will discuss geometry in symbology and the planetary movements, drawings will focus on the platonic solids theorised upon by Plato, Leonardo Divinci and Joseph Kepler. We will then build the Solids and examine the key family of natural proportions, including the Golden Section, that underlie Sacred Architecture.
The class will conclude with a model building session constructing these polyhdreal (spherical) structures using bamboo and kamihimo paper. We will also Fold complex geometric patterns with ease and then use these as a basis to build an artwork reminiscent of the famous domed muqarnas doomed ceilings.
Everyone will home their own drawings and handmade sculptures.
with @adamwilliamsonart